The Wife of a Hunter, a full-time job?

Publicado el 26 octubre 2015
Autor Sébastien Maréchal
Catherine Delaunay takes the reader into the mind of a hunter’s wife – she shares her thoughts and opinions on the matter, and how her understanding of such certain lifestyle has changed for the better!

Eat. Sleep. Hunt. Repeat!

Written by Catherine Delaunay

Life with a hunter, when you are not the one hunting,  requires a strong dose of patience and  faced with the passion of his own , a capacity of understanding far greater than the average.

You might naively assume that  this “leisure” is seasonal (cue the dates of opening and closed seasons), which would leave the mind a few moments of respite? Nope! The hunter eats, sleeps and breathes “hunting”, all  throughout the year …

An example…

You´re walking quietly down a country road, you breathe in the pleasant air, picking flowers as you eagerly await the return of spring … And with that, what is your husband doing? He willingly lingers on each potential sign of life from within the bushes, meticulously observing the slightest imprint left on the floor by game, saying aloud the hunting potential of each path crossed to which you give in your heart, little interest …

By car or train, through summer or winter, the mere sight of a flight of ducks on the horizon or a kit of pigeons pecking  in a field can put him in a state of trance.

But wait!

This article could suggest to the reader that I almost  feel slightly resentful about the hunting lifestyle and the time it steals from me with my husband. Well, that would be a  hasty conclusion – erroneous, even!

The world of hunting , in truth , was initially unknown to me – and I must say , to be perfectly honest , I was pretty reserved , if not reluctant towards it …

Then I realised with time (even if my husband still sometimes makes jokes!), that hunting is actually an honourable passion , it is anything but a mere ” hobby ” and that it requires meticulous qualities:

  •  Patience
  •  Endurance
  • A sense of wonder
  • A deep love of nature

…and the intimate knowledge of the cycles that define it … Far from the ignorant  image that is given too often.

No, being the wife of a hunter is not always an easy task! Nevertheless, with a somewhat watchful eye and being an attentive spouse to not become overwhelmed by the stresses, a balanced life – I assure you – is possible!

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